HGTV Obsessed

Santa Shares His Thoughts on Non-Christmas Holiday Trees + Advice from David Bromstad

Episode Summary

On this very first episode, hosts Kat and Mike Stickler interview Albie Mushaney - the World’s Strongest Santa and host of You’ll Be Home for Christmas on HGTV. After he gives Mike some serious workout tips, find out what Santa really thinks about non-Christmas holiday trees on our favorite segment: Defend the Trend. Then, a listener calls in to ask HGTV star David Bromstad if their roommate is being practical, or just a grinch.

Episode Notes

On this very first episode of HGTV Obsessed, hosts Kat and Mike Stickler interview Albie Mushaney - the World’s Strongest Santa and host of You’ll Be Home for Christmas on HGTV. So, what came first - the strong man or the santa? Albie talks all about his journey of finding better health and how it led him to become a Christmas icon. His passion for inspiring and helping others paved the way for him to work with HGTV to bring deserving families some extra cheer - and a home - just in time for the holidays. After he gives Mike some serious workout tips, find out what Santa really thinks about non-Christmas holiday trees on our favorite segment: Defend the Trend. Then, a listener calls in to ask HGTV star David Bromstad if their roommate is being practical, or just a grinch.

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Episode Transcription

[MUSIC PLAYING] KAT STICKLER: Hey, everyone, and welcome to the first ever episode of HGTV Obsessed, the podcast all about things HGTV.


MIKE STICKLER: This is the one.


KAT STICKLER: This is the one.


MIKE STICKLER: This is it.




MIKE STICKLER: You don't need to be anywhere else right now.


KAT STICKLER: Except here with us. We are Mike and Kat Stickler. We make videos on the internet all about life, about love. We are new parents, and in our spare time we watch HGTV. And we watch a lot of HGTV. We don't just watch it.


MIKE STICKLER: We're not casuals.


KAT STICKLER: No, we're not casuals. We really commit when we like something.


MIKE STICKLER: Especially when you were pregnant. We watched too much HGTV.


KAT STICKLER: Oh my gosh, when I was pregnant.




KAT STICKLER: I felt like I was doing so much as I was just laying there in bed. I was like, wow, I've designed eight houses and bought three more. It's crazy.


MIKE STICKLER: Do you want to watch some tonight?


KAT STICKLER: Yeah, sure.




KAT STICKLER: Date night!


MIKE STICKLER: We're so excited. This is HGTV Obsessed. We're doing a podcast.


KAT STICKLER: Yeah, this is so crazy.


MIKE STICKLER: Yeah. Oh my gosh. I like your sweater today.


KAT STICKLER: Thank you so much.




KAT STICKLER: Thank you so much.


MIKE STICKLER: You look pretty hot.


KAT STICKLER: We had to change sweaters because I was sweating through my last one. It's so embarrassing. Also, I can't go my room because that's where my baby is, so I only could go in the sweater closet, and now I'm wearing another sweater that I'm sweating through right now.


MIKE STICKLER: But at least we made it. That's all that matters, right?


KAT STICKLER: Yeah, we made it.




KAT STICKLER: I know you can't see me, but I feel like all eyes are on me.


MIKE STICKLER: OK, well, we've got to get back to the podcast. Let's get back.


KAT STICKLER: OK. So speaking of HGTV, we have a real treat lined up for you guys today. Our first interviewee, his name is Albie Mushaney. He is known as the world's strongest Santa.






MIKE STICKLER: I mean, just ripping through the screen on the Zoom call.


KAT STICKLER: Imagine Santa on a motorcycle with Rudolph leading the way.


MIKE STICKLER: Oh my gosh.


KAT STICKLER: And also, the best beard ever. Most plump, white Santa beard I have ever seen. I mean, it overwhelmed the screens.


MIKE STICKLER: Yeah, I definitely need some tips from him on how to grow some facial hair, that's for sure.


KAT STICKLER: Yeah, Michael cannot grow facial hair, except like a little stubbly--


MIKE STICKLER: All right, all right, OK, OK, OK.


KAT STICKLER: I love you. So he is going to be the host of the brand new HGTV special called You'll Be Home for Christmas. And--


MIKE STICKLER: We love Albie.


KAT STICKLER: We really love Albie.


MIKE STICKLER: We really love him. We fell in love with this guy. I really think you guys are going to love him. Yeah, he's fantastic. He's quite the character.


KAT STICKLER: He touched on so many cool things.




KAT STICKLER: He's a dad of five kids, and he talks about how he went from 400 pounds and he lost 100 pounds after he had his youngest son. Talks about the journey of staying motivated with that, talks about what Christmas means to him, what the show means to him, the lives and the families that he's changed throughout this. It's really sweet. Definitely envelops a great aspect of the Christmas spirit.


MIKE STICKLER: Yeah. That's enough from us so, take it away, Santa.




KAT STICKLER: Ho, ho, ho. Never mind.


MIKE STICKLER: I love you.


KAT STICKLER: It's funnier in my head.


MIKE STICKLER: I love you. Albie, how you doing, man?


ALBIE MUSHANEY: I am great. How are you guys?


MIKE STICKLER: Santa has arrived.


ALBIE MUSHANEY: Ho, ho, ho, ho.




MIKE STICKLER: Oh my gosh.


KAT STICKLER: I don't know why I'm so nervous to interview you. I think it's because you look like Santa, so I like--


MIKE STICKLER: Childhood memories.


ALBIE MUSHANEY: Little secret, I am Santa.


KAT STICKLER: I'm so excited. I mean, if you guys saw him right now. I know it's a podcast, but he's got the fullest, plumpest white beard. The reading glasses are on point. But then we've got the muscles and the tattoos.


MIKE STICKLER: It's all the all in one package.


KAT STICKLER: It's just a lot to process. I'm so excited.


ALBIE MUSHANEY: OK. I believe in you.


KAT STICKLER: I believe in you too, Santa.


MIKE STICKLER: I love it. I love it. Cool, so we'll get right into it. Albie, how did you end up on You'll Be Home for Christmas.


ALBIE MUSHANEY: It was kind of an interesting road. There was a producer with Crybaby Media, and Danny had an idea for a show, and then they found out I was in real estate, and they're like, hang on. Why don't we try to get some families into homes just in time for Christmas?




KAT STICKLER: Can you explain the premise of that show? So for people who know, it's like airing December 18. It's new, so what can they expect to see on that? What is it?


ALBIE MUSHANEY: Well, they can expect the most amazingly done up houses. We decorated these houses. They look like a Christmas catalog, like a store. No part of the house wasn't touched by Christmas.


The families that we helped out were just amazing families, very deserving of what we gave them, and it was just-- it's heartwarming, it's emotional, it's fun. I have some swelves in the show. That's what I call swollen elves. My guys are pretty big.




MIKE STICKLER: That's incredible. Do you guys do training every morning with your swollen elves?


ALBIE MUSHANEY: We shot a scene in the gym. So I can't give too much away, but we cover a lot. There's a lot of really neat things in the show. The amount of stuff that we crammed into 43 minutes is going to be amazing.


KAT STICKLER: So just a little bit about you, because we wanted to ask you which came first, strongman or Santa. But we know that you have five kids, but you said you were 400 pounds when your youngest was born, and then you were like, you know what, I want to start getting in shape. So you started lifting, working out. And just tell us about that whole--


MIKE STICKLER: Fitness journey, yeah.


KAT STICKLER: Fitness journey, yeah.


ALBIE MUSHANEY: So it's kind of funny. This whole journey started six years ago this week.




ALBIE MUSHANEY: At the time, I weighed 396 pounds. It's just easier to say 400.




ALBIE MUSHANEY: That's one trip to Carl's Jr. right there, so we call it 400 pounds. And I was sitting on the floor, and I couldn't put my own shoes and socks on. I was having my other kids help me. And I got to thinking, I'm like, I'm going to be 60 when he graduates high school, and you don't see any 400 pound 60-year-olds. I said, if I'm going to live to see this guy graduate at least, I'm going to have to get in shape.


So I started training, and then I needed something to kind of keep me honest and keep me regular. A big fat guy making a comeback, there's got to be some people that would be interested in following that. And so I did a search, and there was a bodybuilder that posted a video, and he said, the trick to being successful is to give the public something they're not getting. You have to be better at it than everybody else.


And I thought, what do I have that nobody else has? I have a big guy in the white beard. So I decided I was going to be the world's strongest Santa at that point.


MIKE STICKLER: That's awesome.


ALBIE MUSHANEY: Started a little fan page called Operation Big Bad Santa on Facebook, and then my Facebook fan page has almost 7,000 followers, but I don't post too much there. But my Instagram has 22,000 followers from all over the place, and people were just like, this is so inspiring. I tune in to check your progress and everything.


And I've had people that send me messages and go, because of following you, I've lost 60 pounds. I'm in the best shape of my life. I train and stuff. And that makes me feel so good that I can inspire people. It wasn't my intention. I just wanted to keep myself honest with myself and stay focused. And as of right now, I've lost 100 pounds.


MIKE STICKLER: Wow. Let's go.


KAT STICKLER: Way to go out, Albie.


ALBIE MUSHANEY: From my heaviest at 415 pounds, I've gotten down to 304 pounds. Thanksgiving put a few pounds back on.


KAT STICKLER: It's all right.




KAT STICKLER: New Year's. New year, new you. Whatever.


MIKE STICKLER: #DadBod, right?


KAT STICKLER: What kept you motivated when you were like-- to not fall back into like bad habits with that?


ALBIE MUSHANEY: For a few years I was just training. I wasn't eating properly. Getting a good diet plan, it's basically almost cured my diabetes. I've cut my medications in half. I've leaned up quite a bit.


But what keeps me most is-- and, honestly, it's my ego. It's like, I can't not be strong. I've gotten to a level. I finished third at nationals and 16th at worlds one year and 18th at worlds another year, and I've gotten myself to the level where I just can't be any weaker than that.


So I just train hard and hard and hard, because I know that my best years are still to come. I mean, I'm 47, but I'm still getting stronger, and so that's what drives me. It's like, I want to leave a legacy behind for my kids. Everywhere they go, they're like, oh my gosh, your dad is big bad Santa? And it's fun. To hear my kid tell his teacher that my dad's stronger than him and know that it's the truth.


MIKE STICKLER: Oh, that's incredible.


KAT STICKLER: How much can you lift on the bench or bench, bench press?


MIKE STICKLER: Please tell us about your benches, Albie.


ALBIE MUSHANEY: Typically in strongman, you don't bench press. You do mostly overhead. But I recently started bench pressing again to get to where I could compete. The best in the last month I did, 455 for three.






MIKE STICKLER: Good for you, man.


KAT STICKLER: That's like five of me. Oh my gosh.


MIKE STICKLER: That's incredible. I mean, for you, what was the funniest, most bizarre interaction that you've had as Santa?


ALBIE MUSHANEY: There was one time in a grocery store, a woman and her two kids were waiting in line, and the kids were absolutely losing it. They were just misbehaving. And she just looked at me with this look on her face like she needed some help, and I just winked at her, and then I kind of bent over and I looked at the kids and I go, do you know who I am? And they looked at me, and I go, that's right, and I'm watching. Is this where you want to be?


MIKE STICKLER: Wow. Oh my gosh.


ALBIE MUSHANEY: I'm going to need you to behave for your mom the rest of the day and be quiet. And they're like, OK, OK.


MIKE STICKLER: That's incredible.


KAT STICKLER: She was probably like, can you follow us around everywhere we go?


MIKE STICKLER: What's your phone number? FaceTime you any time they need correction.


KAT STICKLER: Do you have any-- because I know our baby's a year old. So I know that some babies-- well, with COVID now it's not really an issue right now, but do you have any tips for making sure that your child isn't scared of Santa for those pictures?


ALBIE MUSHANEY: One thing that kind of helped is-- and this was a customer, someone who-- last year I sat at the mall for pictures, and one of the customers, the kid just came and ran up and jumped on my lap for pictures and it was perfect. And I was like, well, that's rare. And the lady's like, her favorite stuffed animal is a Santa and she plays with him all year long and she talks about meeting Santa all year, and I was like what a good idea, if the kids have a Santa to play with.


KAT STICKLER: Oh, that's such a good answer.


MIKE STICKLER: I love that.


KAT STICKLER: What the heck?


MIKE STICKLER: Association. Total association. Yeah.




MIKE STICKLER: That's good.


KAT STICKLER: I wanted to ask you this. So, I mean, you obviously deck the halls when you help people find their home and you celebrate the Christmas and you have kids, and they're like, wow, they're just in awe of this Christmas wonderland. What do you have tips for people that have no idea how to--


MIKE STICKLER: Decorate for Christmas.


KAT STICKLER: --do that.




KAT STICKLER: Like at all.


MIKE STICKLER: We're illiterate in that category.




ALBIE MUSHANEY: The first thing I'm going to suggest to people is to watch my show.


MIKE STICKLER: There we go.




MIKE STICKLER: Shameless plug, Albie.


ALBIE MUSHANEY: Because not everybody's budget is going to be like we had on the show, but there are a lot of clever tips and tricks that we used on the show. You'd be amazed at what you can find on Pinterest. My wife makes the most beautiful things that she purchases the parts to at the dollar store and finds the plans on Pinterest, and our house is-- my wife is a Christmas freak. We have five trees up. Every inch of the house is covered. They could have filmed the show at our house.


MIKE STICKLER: That's funny.




ALBIE MUSHANEY: But a lot of the stuff is just clever little things that she's picked up off of Pinterest or different Facebook groups, and it's beautiful, and a lot of the homemade stuff just comes up looking even better.


MIKE STICKLER: Have you always been into decorating for Christmas? Has that always just been a thing for you?


ALBIE MUSHANEY: When I was a kid, my folks went all out too. Our house was covered in lights like Clark Griswold. Eat your heart out. Our house was just covered in lights, and we have a lot of heirlooms, and so we decorate our house just head to toe.


MIKE STICKLER: You were made for this, man. You were made for this.


KAT STICKLER: I think I was.




KAT STICKLER: It's your calling.


ALBIE MUSHANEY: Well, and the beard's been white since I was like--




ALBIE MUSHANEY: Yeah, I've had a beard since I was 12. It just turned white at 40.


KAT STICKLER: Are you Santa's son? Talking with you, I just feel jollier after this conversation. I want to decorate for Christmas.


MIKE STICKLER: Can you leave us with some practical workout tips for the both of us?


KAT STICKLER: OK, here we go.


ALBIE MUSHANEY: OK, I'm going to get in here because this is my thing.


MIKE STICKLER: Oh, here we go.


ALBIE MUSHANEY: Staying consistent. And I had this talk with someone the other day. Don't treat your workouts as something that is an option. Make an appointment for yourself to work out. So I work out Tuesdays, Thursdays, Sundays, sometimes Fridays or Saturdays.


But I have an appointment with myself in the gym at 6 o'clock. It's on my calendar on my phone, so my wife knows not to double book me. So those are your appointments. You go to it just like it's your job, just like you're going to the doctor. It's one of those things you have to do, whether you feel like it or not, because your body is going to thank you for going.


Aside from that, just do what you can. Do what feels good. If you're only getting to the gym twice a week, there's no problem with doing a lower body day or an upper body day. There's no problem in doing a full body workout twice a week. But I try not to train more than two days in a row and I try not to rest more than two days in a row. So every other day at least because I'm old and I get sore.


KAT STICKLER: I mean, we're young and we get sore.


MIKE STICKLER: Yeah. I feel like once you have a kid, you automatically start getting more sore for some reason.


ALBIE MUSHANEY: That's Father Time reminding you that you're coming to the end.




KAT STICKLER: OK, Albie. One last question, and this is a big one, because it's time for a segment that we like to call Defend the Trend. So this is where we ask our guests to give us their take on design trends. So you are the first person to ever play Defend the Trend, so we want your hard opinions.




KAT STICKLER: Hold nothing back. You are the king of Christmas, and you're clearly more is more concept when it comes to decorating and Christmas trees. But we want to know what about other trees for the holidays. Would you ever put up, a Valentine's tree or a Halloween tree or a Thanksgiving tree?


MIKE STICKLER: That's a tough one, Albie.


KAT STICKLER: Yeah, I don't know.


ALBIE MUSHANEY: So being the Christmas purist that I am, our house always has at least one real tree. So to go up more than once a year, I wouldn't harvest a fresh tree for each one of those. But if you happen to have a fake tree and you felt like decorating it for any other holiday, I actually have thought about getting a green Santa suit and going around on St. Patrick's Day as McSanta O'Claus.


So I think if you had a tree and you wanted to decorate it for every occasion, that would be absolutely-- that actually could be the next big thing, because it used to be you'd only see the lights at Christmas time. Now I've got neighbors putting up Halloween lights, then the wife started doing that. But that's a brilliant idea. I'm sure once my wife hears this, she'll be like, why don't we have a tree up for this?


KAT STICKLER: This is perfect. Why haven't we thought of this before?


MIKE STICKLER: I think you definitely defended the trend, though, Albie. This was good. This was good.




ALBIE MUSHANEY: And we might just leave up our Christmas tree until July 4th, because we did a patriotic tree this year. We'll just keep putting water in it until July 4th.


KAT STICKLER: Just plant your own Christmas tree in your house so it doesn't die, and then decorate it year round. And it'll just be, our tree's been in our family for generations.




KAT STICKLER: Genuinely, honestly, thank you so much for being here and for interviewing with us. It's so cool that we interviewed Santa for our first--


MIKE STICKLER: It's so col.


KAT STICKLER: I feel like that's a good omen. It's just setting the precedent for a great 2021. You probably want to know what Albie looks like, because he's just this ripped version of a very in shape Santa Claus that rides a motorcycle for a sleigh, and you can go see the pictures for this at Well, your show comes out December 18, and it's called You'll Be Home for Christmas. It's on HGTV.


MIKE STICKLER: And we can't wait to watch it, Albie. We're excited for you.


KAT STICKLER: I'm very excited. December 18.


ALBIE MUSHANEY: I'm just honored and thankful that HGTV gave me this opportunity.




MIKE STICKLER: See, we said you guys would love Albie.


KAT STICKLER: Honestly, that conversation really got me in the mood to decorate for Christmas.


MIKE STICKLER: I honestly am very inspired as well, yeah.


KAT STICKLER: Well, then you can do all the decorating then. I'm really glad we worked that out. OK, great. So before we go, it's time for what I honestly think might be one of our favorite recurring segments on the show, HGTV to the Rescue.


MIKE STICKLER: That's right. You guys can send in your burning home design questions.




MIKE STICKLER: And a legit HGTV star will answer them. First up, we have this very seasonal question for the one and only David Bromstead from Jessica.


KAT STICKLER: I really love David.


MIKE STICKLER: Yeah, me too.


KAT STICKLER: OK, so this is Jessica's question to David. "Hi, David. My roommates and I cannot agree on when to take down our Christmas Tree. One is itching to put it away on the 26th, and I kind of think she's being a Grinch. When do you take down your tree, and do you have any tips on how to store all of this stuff?"


DAVID BROMSTEAD: Hi, Jessica. Yes, your roommate is a Grinch, for sure. Keep your Christmas up at least through King's Day, which is the second week end, I believe, in January. Anything after that, it's a personal preference. But I kept my Christmas up till almost Valentine's Day one year because I loved it so much and I didn't want to part with it. So there's really no wrong answer except getting rid of it on the 26th, because the holiday season is lovely and wonderful.


And as far as storing, I get plastic bins, and then I wrap them loosely and paper or I just line it with paper and just put them on there nice and delicate. I put all of the ornaments together with color coded and printed and pattern. All of those go together in a clear bin, because you want to make sure when they're in your storage you can see exactly what you're getting.


Storage is tricky. Be meticulous, because the more meticulous you are putting it away the easier it is for you to find it the next year, especially with your lights. What I would do with my lights is I take them, roll them, roll them, roll them, put it in half without tying anything together.


I put it in a bag that you can lock, so therefore it's not going to go anywhere. It's not going to get tangled. You know exactly how it was put in. Yeah, but just more be meticulous. It's a lot easier putting away than it is putting up, so don't skimp on the process.


MIKE STICKLER: Wow, that was an awesome answer.


KAT STICKLER: That was good. David's so good.




KAT STICKLER: And if you guys want to ask your own HGTV to the Rescue question, drop us a comment on HGTV's Instagram, where they have a post of yours truly, and by yours truly Mike's also there, so it's not just me.


MIKE STICKLER: I'm so secondary.


KAT STICKLER: When would you want the Christmas tree down?


MIKE STICKLER: Day after Christmas.






KAT STICKLER: So you have your New Year's where the ball drops and then you look to your right and there's no Christmas tree? Just an empty hole of where it used to be?


MIKE STICKLER: I'm actually really OK with that, yeah.


KAT STICKLER: No, I don't know. I think I would like for you to take it down well into February.


MIKE STICKLER: If you want it well-- if you want it down well into February, then I'll do that.


KAT STICKLER: Great. Can you also put it up well into November?


MIKE STICKLER: We'll talk about that later.


KAT STICKLER: That's great. Can you also decorate the tree?


MIKE STICKLER: I know a guy. Yeah, I know a guy.


KAT STICKLER: OK, that's awesome. I think we should start actually establishing Christmas traditions we want, because this is going to be like the first Christmas really with MK.




KAT STICKLER: Because the other one, she was, like, a baby.


MIKE STICKLER: So when I was growing up, my parents actually, what we did is we went to the store every year on Christmas Eve and bought a new ornament. I think that would be really cool. So you have a new ornament each and every year.


KAT STICKLER: That's sweet.


MIKE STICKLER: Yeah, you just build a collection, and then you put it on, and every year you have a new ornament.


KAT STICKLER: I love that.


MIKE STICKLER: Yeah, it's really sweet.


KAT STICKLER: I think one that we had for my family that I-- and I love my family. I just remember Christmas was super stressful. We always had to put the lights up, and then the ornaments were very expensive, and if they broke then, oh my gosh.




KAT STICKLER: Scary to tell Mom. Mom, I broke your priceless possession. I'm so sorry. Why was it dangling on the tree, I don't know, but you put it there. So just make it like fun and just enjoyable at all times. Make it a really good experience.




KAT STICKLER: Because I feel like if you include that in any memory, it's one of the most sweet things you can look back on when you're older.


MIKE STICKLER: Totally. I agree.


KAT STICKLER: OK, that was an amazing first episode.




KAT STICKLER: If I do say so myself. We freaking killed it. Congrats, babe. Congrats on marrying me and having a great partner for our podcast.


MIKE STICKLER: I mean, I definitely won, so.


KAT STICKLER: Yeah, you won it life just by putting a ring on it.


MIKE STICKLER: Oh, yeah. So, yeah, Albie was awesome, and I'm so excited to keep doing this.


KAT STICKLER: Yeah, make sure you guys check out You'll Be Home for Christmas, December 18 on HGTV. I'm excited to see it.


MIKE STICKLER: Mm. That was a grunt of approval.


KAT STICKLER: Mm. A grunt of approval, yeah.


MIKE STICKLER: Can you tell we have a short attention span or what?


KAT STICKLER: And please, please subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcasts, honestly. We are everywhere, everywhere you look, because we're obsessed with HGTV. And leave us a comment, leave us a rating, give us that validation that we need to know that we are giving you what you want.


Write what you want to hear, write what you want to see, write what you want us to do, what questions you want to ask. I mean, really just go all in. I will read every freaking comment.


MIKE STICKLER: You're really passionate about these ratings and reviews. I love it.


KAT STICKLER: This is how I fill up my love tank.


MIKE STICKLER: I mean, but really, honestly, it does help us out. It helps out a ton. We're taking a break next week.


KAT STICKLER: Yeah, one episode in and I am a good exhausted.


MIKE STICKLER: But we'll be back December 31.


KAT STICKLER: Yeah. It's kind of like when you go on a first date and you're like, man, that was the love of my life but I'm exhausted because that was so much emotion.


MIKE STICKLER: I totally feel that every day with you. That was sweet, right?


KAT STICKLER: Oh, so sweet.




KAT STICKLER: Did my face not look like it was sweet?


MIKE STICKLER: I thought you were worried. I thought you thought I meant that in a negative way.


KAT STICKLER: No, that was very sweet.


MIKE STICKLER: Anyways, we'll be back on December 31 with our New Year's Eve special.


KAT STICKLER: I'm excited to talk about the traditions my family had for New Year's Eve. So happy holidays. Thank you so much for being here for this premiere episode.




KAT STICKLER: And if you want more of us, follow us on TikTok.


MIKE STICKLER: Yeah, Mike and Kat.


KAT STICKLER: Mike and Kat, I was going to say.


MIKE STICKLER: Instagram, KatStickler.


KAT STICKLER: KatStickler. Happy holidays. We'll see you on New Year's Eve.






KAT STICKLER: I mean, am I a professional or what? Was I made for this or what? That was flawless, you guys.