HGTV Obsessed

Leanne & Steve Ford on Working with your Siblings + HGTV Execs’ Advice for Getting on HGTV

Episode Summary

On this week’s episode, hosts Mike and Kat Stickler chat with HGTV superstars and siblings, Leanne and Steve Ford. They dive into their new show on discovery+, Home Again with the Fords, and what compelled them to move back to their hometown of Pittsburgh. Leanne and Steve get honest about the best and worst parts of working with your sibling and who usually gets their way. Steve shares his latest project (don’t tell their mom), and Leanne makes a case for all-white kitchens. Finally, on HGTV to the Rescue, Discovery execs Loren Ruch and Brian Balthazar give a listener advice on how to get their home featured on HGTV.

Episode Notes

Description: On this week’s episode, hosts Mike and Kat Stickler chat with HGTV superstars and siblings, Leanne and Steve Ford. They dive into their new show on discovery+, Home Again with the Fords, and what compelled them to move back to their hometown of Pittsburgh. Leanne and Steve get honest about the best and worst parts of working with your sibling and who usually gets their way. Steve shares his latest project (don’t tell their mom), and Leanne makes a case for all-white kitchens. Finally, on HGTV to the Rescue, Discovery execs Loren Ruch and Brian Balthazar give a listener advice on how to get their home featured on HGTV.


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Episode Transcription

[MUSIC PLAYING] KAT STICKLER: Hi, guys, and welcome. I'm Kat.




KAT STICKLER: This is HGTV Obsessed. Good morning, Mike.




KAT STICKLER: I was going to say Vietnam.




KAT STICKLER: Good morning.




It's a little weird. We don't usually record so early in the morning.


MIKE STICKLER: I know. Monday morning recording, how strange.


KAT STICKLER: I feel like this is going to be a great episode and maybe it will turn into morning people. We are trying to become morning people.


MIKE STICKLER: Our average wake up time is about 9 o'clock.


KAT STICKLER: No. Michael got mad at me this morning because he goes, did my alarm go off this morning? And I was like, I didn't hear it. Sorry, babe. I got up. He's like, I really wish you would have woken me.


MIKE STICKLER: You should have shook me up.


KAT STICKLER: You should have woken me up. I'm like, how was I--


MIKE STICKLER: Splash some water on my face, babe. Come on.


KAT STICKLER: And I was like, don't get mad at me because you slept at your alarm. Like, I have nothing to do with this.


MIKE STICKLER: OK, OK, right let's get back. So welcome back to another episode of HGTV Obsessed.


KAT STICKLER: Biweekly podcast where we dive into all things HGTV. I'm Kat.


MIKE STICKLER: And I'm Mike. We make funny videos on TikTok about marriage, parenting life, you pretending to be your mom.


KAT STICKLER: Me pretending to be you.


MIKE STICKLER: Me forgetting that you're there with me and I walk up a hill. Yeah, whole nine yards.


KAT STICKLER: So this week-- I know we say this every week-- but we have some seriously amazing guests. I mean, if they're on the show, they're obviously an amazing guest.


MIKE STICKLER: That is true. We have the epic brother and sister duo Steve and Leanne Ford.


KAT STICKLER: You probably know them from Restored by the Fords, Leanne's run on Rock The Block, and A Very Brady Renovation. And now, they have a brand new show on HGTV called Home Again With The Fords.


MIKE STICKLER: They, seriously, are the coolest. I mean, we had so much fun in interviewing them. Super chill, awesome guys, very funny. So I think--


KAT STICKLER: Let's all roll out. Roll out. Roll the clip.


MIKE STICKLER: Let's get to it.


KAT STICKLER: In my head, it sounded so much smoother.




Steve and Leanne Ford, welcome. When I watched your premiere, first off, the music.




KAT STICKLER: Introing, I felt very homey. Second off, you guys have this videos of you as children playing around. You guys are brother and sister. It was so homey. The first house you did, her great grandfather got it in the 1880s. I was like, I didn't even know houses were that old. Like could still be lived in.


LEANNE FORD: Oh, you saw-- you really did see the premiere. You must be very important.


KAT STICKLER: I am. They always send it to me, and I approve it. So.


LEANNE FORD: You know who has it?


KAT STICKLER: You're welcome. I approved it.


STEVE FORD: Wait, what house are we talking about?


KAT STICKLER: We're talking about the premiere, Spitzer. It was the house, it had its own ice cream parlor. and mini golf course.


STEVE FORD: Yeah, we haven't even seen that yet.


KAT STICKLER: Oh, it's great.


MIKE STICKLER: That's because we had to approve it.


STEVE FORD: How did we do?


MIKE STICKLER: You did phenomenal.


LEANNE FORD: Yeah. We don't see it until it's shown on air. So we just really trust the HGTV gods that they're going to be nice to us.


MIKE STICKLER: Wow, I didn't know that. That's fun factoid. That's cool.


KAT STICKLER: They actually did a great job. So




KAT STICKLER: Good on you, guys.


MIKE STICKLER: Good on you.


KAT STICKLER: Good on you, mate.




All right. So I also-- we have siblings. I just can't imagine doing this with my siblings.


MIKE STICKLER: It wouldn't work out for me. That's for sure.


LEANNE FORD: You can just watch us be very sibling-ish. So we are definitely brother and sister, and they capture it very fully. And thankfully, Steve and I like each other, and it's OK. But I mean--


STEVE FORD: Good to hear. I wasn't sure of it anymore.


LEANNE FORD: No lies around here. No, but we-- I mean, they really do a good job of capturing the actual relationship we have, which is, I think, we really support each other and trust each other. But you do drive each other crazy just by sake of-- construction is a hard business to be in, period. With a business where we've chosen to be in is tough and then you add your family into it and you-- gluttons for punishment.


MIKE STICKLER: So the show is obviously personal to you guys, like, really personal. What can you tell us about Home Again With The Fords?


LEANNE FORD: Yeah, this is fun. So we-- this is our, well, third season of TV. But we've done a couple of other shows. Like, we did Rock The Block. And we did A Very Brady Renovation. But for us, with the show about the Fords, we had two seasons previous, which was Restored By The Fords.


And they noticed from that a lot of people-- it's always based in Pittsburgh, which is our hometown where we grew up. And they noticed a lot of people in Pittsburgh are out there buying their childhood homes. And they're moving to their neighborhood that they grew up in. And everybody really feels connected to their past here.


And so this season it's all about that. It's called Home Again With The Fords. It's people that are renovating a family home or moving into something that they're connected to in their past, which we love because we are very connected to our family and we're very connected to Pittsburgh.


So this season, I mean, yeah, I mean, this is really season one for us but season three. So we don't even know what we're calling it. But we get to dive in a little deeper. It's an hour long now so we get to dive into the designs. And we get to learn more about the clients. And we get to watch family videos from our childhood. So it's really a lot more fun to have it be a bit longer.


KAT STICKLER: So why do you think more people are moving back to their hometowns?


LEANNE FORD: Well, you know, this show concept was decided over a year ago before quarantine, before COVID. And then, it just so happened that this has become a huge part of our culture right now. And I moved back. I used to live between Los Angeles and Pittsburgh. And we left LA during quarantine, and we came back full speed ahead to Pittsburgh.


And I notice just so many of my friends are doing it. You hear so much about people moving back to their hometowns. And it's just about a realignment of what's important. So families become important and how we spend our time has become important. Where before, I think everybody was go, go, go, work, work, work.


And now that we see a difference and we're actually working from home, we're want a better home. And we want family around. My husband I have a daughter who's almost two. And we were like, if we're going to be stuck and if we're not going to be able to get on an airplane, then like we got to go to grandma-- and uncle Stevie, sorry.


STEVE FORD: It's good. We're glad you did too.


KAT STICKLER: So you moved from LA to back home, to Pittsburgh?


LEANNE FORD: Yeah. I mean, I'd always had like-- I've always been in Pittsburgh and had-- Pittsburgh's always been a part of my life. But for the first time, we kind of hunkered down. You guys have a baby?


MIKE STICKLER: We do. We have a one-year-old. Yeah, she just turned one.




MIKE STICKLER: She's awesome. Yeah. So you think it was purely just-- what prompted you is just be closer to family then it was just--


LEANNE FORD: I mean, just personally, I had to travel so much for work. And then within a year, quarantine happened. And we were able to be still. And my husband and I was kind of laugh about how when you have a baby, everybody else is having fun without you and you're like-- you feel like the world is still going. The whole world stopped. So we have nothing to miss. Everybody was just like letting us be young parents. Don't you feel like that?


KAT STICKLER: Actually, after we had the baby and we were ready to go out and like be--


MIKE STICKLER: We were finally ready. Like.


KAT STICKLER: Then COVID hit. And we're like, what the heck? We were in our 600 square foot apartment with this newborn baby. Her crib was in the kitchen.




KAT STICKLER: Her cries would like reverberate from the stove to the bedroom. We're like, oh, she needs us.


LEANNE FORD: You're ready for some disco.


MIKE STICKLER: Oh, my god, yeah.


KAT STICKLER: So this show is basically kind of like a love letter from you guys to the Pittsburgh area.




KAT STICKLER: And so what makes Pittsburgh so special, in your opinion, besides you have your family there? Or is that what would make anything special for someone if their family's there?


LEANNE FORD: I would say my favorite thing about Pittsburgh-- you know, I left-- I turned 18 and left for college and was like, see you, never coming back as most probably girls do. I don't know. But off I went as a creative soul.


And I really started coming back later in life. Probably like 10 years ago, I bought a place here, little one-room schoolhouse. And I realized that in Pennsylvania and in Pittsburgh, you can buy cheap real estate. And it's like beautiful history. And all of these places are architecturally interesting in so many different ways, you know.


And there's mid-century next to an old cabin next to-- any style lives together. And that's been my favorite part. Even with the show, is to be able to do all different styles of architecture. And there's so much history in this town. It's been really fun. It's just to play as a designer.


MIKE STICKLER: What about you, Steve?


STEVE FORD: I think I realized early on that Pittsburgh was amazing. And you know, I went did the same thing. I went to college. I went to WVU. And then I went out and hung out and Liam's college for a few months and then ended up in California for like two years. But then realized that I missed my family, and I missed all my childhood friends and my college friends, and that everything that I wanted to do, I could do here.


For me, it was like a lot of outdoor recreation at that point. So I did have to give up an ocean and bigger mountains, but I still have-- I'm still capable to do all that stuff here. Just has to be more creative.


MIKE STICKLER: That's cool. We both have siblings. Obviously, we love them very much. I literally, like I said earlier, I cannot imagine working with them every single day. But what are-- for you guys, what are the best things about working with your sibling? And then also what's the most challenging thing about it?


STEVE FORD: Take it away, Leanne.


LEANNE FORD: I love it. I love it. [LAUGHS] Now, I would say the best thing would be that Steve, I call him the MacGyver of construction. Because any strange idea I have, he will figure out and he can figure out. And he's a creative soul.


So the best thing is, I can say, let's do-- I'm going to put-- well, like, coffee on the wall and make it look old. And so he always says, no, and then the next day, he says, we can do it. Let's figure it out. Like, it's always 100%.


So now having lived in the same-- having known Steve for, what, 30 something years, I know that he will say, no, and he'll say we can't do it and just wait. And the next day, he will say, OK, here's how we're doing it, right. And so I think just by sake of working together so long and knowing each other's language-- I mean, we literally grew up in the same house. We can speak each other's language very easily.


STEVE FORD: I want to get into that a minute. Because Leanne comes up with some wild ideas and sometimes my mind just goes to, Leanne, you're crazy. That's silly. And then I have to go home, and then I have to sleep on it. Maybe, I have to run it by some friends.


And then because I want to be that guy that makes it happen, I really do. It takes-- I got to let it simmer so I don't get myself into trouble. Because as soon as you say, yes, you're done. You're doing it. It doesn't matter how long it takes. It doesn't matter how hard it is. You're in. So I just like to make sure my yeses are.


LEANNE FORD: Steve, I hate to tell you this, but before you say, yes, you're doing it anyway. But I will say, though, also, we have the same sense of humor, which you don't realize. When you're siblings, you get older and off you go and you see each other at holiday time. And so for us, we don't realize how we have the same references of humor and really visually anything until we started working together. And it all kind of goes back to the same like five scenes from our favorite childhood movies.


KAT STICKLER: Steve, when you said so Leanne, you kind of come up with a creative design choices.


MIKE STICKLER: Wild ideas.


KAT STICKLER: Wild ideas.




KAT STICKLER: Yeah. And then but you're left, Steve, you're going to have to execute them. What is the craziest thing, the weirdest thing, she's ever asked you to do that you were like, no way and then you pulled it off?


STEVE FORD: And then I said no and it stuck or I actually did it.


KAT STICKLER: Nobody wants to hear about the things you didn't do, Steve.


MIKE STICKLER: Yeah, the thing you actually had to do. Yeah.


KAT STICKLER: The one you did.


STEVE FORD: I don't know if there's any. I've been trying to think of any. I mean, the thing about is it's pretty regular-- it's a regular thing. It's not like there's just one, this one time. It's like consistently a challenge.


So to me, I think that's what I like about it too, is I like to be challenged. If I was just doing regular construction the same thing every day, I would feel like my life was something monotonous I wouldn't be able to do. Because I just don't-- my attention span doesn't work that way. So to walk into work and Leanne challenges me every day.


And one example that comes to mind is she buys things because they're attractive to her for our project. But in no way did she ever put a tape measure next to the whatever it is to see if it would fit the job we're doing. So it's always, here's this giant thing or this small thing that has to fit into the opposite sized hole.


MIKE STICKLER: Have you ever had to say no? Was there ever a time where you said no and that was it and then--


KAT STICKLER: Like this is impossible.


MIKE STICKLER: --and then--


STEVE FORD: I'm sure there's been-- it's always a budget related.




STEVE FORD: If there's a no, it's just because we can't afford it.


MIKE STICKLER: Got it. Got it.


KAT STICKLER: So outside of this new show you guys have on HGTV, what else do you guys have going on?


LEANNE FORD: What do we do? What do we do in our free time?


KAT STICKLER: What do you do besides this?


MIKE STICKLER: What makes you just fricking light up inside?


STEVE FORD: Want to see my creative job I'm doing right now?




STEVE FORD: Because I'm a creative too. I'm making a gas tank out of dice.




KAT STICKLER: What the heck? Guys, for those of you that cannot see-- no one can see this-- this is a gas tank but it's covered with dice.


MIKE STICKLER: Dominoes. Oh, dice. Holy cow.


STEVE FORD: So I was like, how am I going to put dice on a gas tank? Well, I figure it out.


LEANNE FORD: That's very creative.


KAT STICKLER: Try to one-up him, Lee.


LEANNE FORD: I know I can't. Our mom still doesn't know Steve has a motorcycle.


STEVE FORD: She doesn't tell her.


MIKE STICKLER: No, that's just the gas tank for whatever, right? Like that's just--


STEVE FORD: It's for my mom, though.




MIKE STICKLER: That one goes on the wall.


LEANNE FORD: You know what we do do-- so Steve and I are working with HART Tools, which we've loved, because I always am like, I want to give people the tools of the trade to like, this is what you need to create this. Like, you too can do it. We can't come to all of your homes, but you can do it.


So we've been making videos with them about how to do certain projects. And we're doing DIY. Steve's the construction guru. And I'm the design guru. And together, we're able to do that. So that's been really fun to do that with HART. And we've been enjoying that. Because you can dive a little deeper into actually the process.


MIKE STICKLER: That's awesome. That's exciting.


STEVE FORD: Oh, I just built a container house, and I've been snowboarding a lot.


MIKE STICKLER: Steve, I feel like you're is such a mystery man.


STEVE FORD: Well, when you don't have children, you got a lot of time on your hands.


LEANNE FORD: Wait, I just have to tell you guys because I'm like staring hear you laughing because I was-- I did a deep dive into all your videos and I just had some major giggles. But my favorite was with the glove when you said, let's see how long until he takes so he notices the glove.


MIKE STICKLER: So glad you liked it.


LEANNE FORD: It was so fun.


MIKE STICKLER: That's awesome. Yeah.


LEANNE FORD: It was really-- because I actually feel like I do that to my husband all the time and I get a little giggle out of it. But you don't get to put it on Instagram.


STEVE FORD: I'll have to watch that one.


MIKE STICKLER: The thing is like I'm oftentimes not all there. So [LAUGHS] it's very easy for her to do things like that.


LEANNE FORD: So basically, you guys-- you're going to need it at your own TV show on HGTV is what I'm.


MIKE STICKLER: I mean, people just got to keep putting it out there.


LEANNE FORD: Exactly. We all know a guy. We'll talk to him for you.






LEANNE FORD: But just know that it's exhausting. We look tired because we film a lot.




KAT STICKLER: Yeah. I was talking to my dad this morning, and we FaceTimed. And he saw my face and he was like, whoa, you look like really tired. I'm like, I just woke up. And he's like, no, you look like bad tired. I'm like, oh, OK.




KAT STICKLER: Thanks, Dad. Good morning to you too.


STEVE FORD: You should know better than that.


LEANNE FORD: There is a soul tired that it really is. I know. But I mean, you know, I always say, I'm like, I laugh about the-- this week I picked a job. I used to be in fashion. I was the creative director and a stylist. And I was like, oh, my gosh. I'm schlepping all this clothing around, in the subways and taxis.


And then instead, I took a job that was schlepping furniture around. So now, instead of carrying some suit, we're carrying a sofa. And I think, I just traded in the wrong direction. I'm like, I should have gotten into jewelry or something easy.


KAT STICKLER: No, you have great taste. You did-- you think-- you guys made that house in a totally different.


MIKE STICKLER: You stay in shape though, you know.


LEANNE FORD: Yeah, you do burn a lot of calories I'm sure.


STEVE FORD: You know, I wish it worked that way.


LEANNE FORD: Seems like for the next show intel, I'll show you my--


STEVE FORD: Do you want see my gym. Honestly, we work so hard but that kind of work, for some reason, for me, doesn't equate to the same as exercise. And maybe it's because I'm getting older.


KAT STICKLER: Now, we had people moving us into our new place. And I was-- I--


MIKE STICKLER: I was exhausted watching them.


KAT STICKLER: I did nothing. I mean, I kind of filmed around them for video. But I was exhausted. I was like, wow. I did not lift one box but, whoa.


MIKE STICKLER: You poor thing.


KAT STICKLER: I don't know how I did it.


LEANNE FORD: You know I always wonder, if I watch the show, I'm like, man, why didn't you like brush your hair? Or why didn't you do anything to look cute? Like, put some makeup on girl.


And then I remember because we're actually staging, it's like we're bringing the furniture in and then we're decorating. And then we're getting this whole place ready. And I feel like for me, it's always more important that the house looks good. I'd rather be getting the pillows dialed and like hurry up and go change in the car before we get on film.


MIKE STICKLER: That shows you really care. You care about what you're doing, you know.


KAT STICKLER: Like you're in the zone.


MIKE STICKLER: Like you care about the job.


LEANNE FORD: Well, somehow, we've found the only job where it's like I'm the designer, the stage set decorator, the wardrobe stylist, the actor, the set-- I write the script. And Steve and I are making it up as we go along. So we definitely found a creative outlet. I'll say that.


KAT STICKLER: So we are on our last segment called Defend the Trend. And this is basically we tell you guys, hey, there's a trend. Are you for it or against it?






MIKE STICKLER: So the trend is-- ready for this-- all white kitchens.


KAT STICKLER: So is it here to stay or is it totally passe?


LEANNE FORD: OK, an all white kitchen-- this-- you've really gone right into my soul on this first question.






KAT STICKLER: You are known to love white.


LEANNE FORD: The reason I believe in white paint, and white cabinets, and white counters is because it's so timeless-- and white tile. Because things come and go, these trends come and go, and a simple clean palette is going to last a lot longer. It's visually going to last through multiple styles, multiple years. And it's kind of-- if you're looking for timeless, it's the way to go.


KAT STICKLER: I agree. My parents live in a house that is like 100 years old. And we walked in one time. They painted the kitchen cabinets which were brown, white and the whole house changed.


MIKE STICKLER: It was so good.


KAT STICKLER: I don't even know how it happened. It's crazy.


MIKE STICKLER: I enjoyed being there.


LEANNE FORD: Yes. Yeah, it just changed everything. I told my parents to paint their wood cabinets when I was in sixth grade. I was like, we need to paint these wood cabinets. I had gone to my friend Greg's house and he had a white kitchen.


And by the way, my mom's still in the cabinets-- still in the house with the same cabinets, still painted. And they look great. And that's-- it's been a long time since sixth grade.


MIKE STICKLER: Steve, do you agree? Color in the kitchen or all white?


STEVE FORD: I agree with Keller. Leanne and I think are both Earth tone fans. Leanne likes the white. I also, obviously, do. But what's nice about-- I mean, you really put it to the kitchen-- what's nice about that is that you can use that as like your blank canvas and then you can get-- if you want to get a bright red KitchenAid mixer, you can use that for a week and then put it back in your cabinet.


LEANNE FORD: Yes. Well, the other thing about what the white paint and the white kitchen thing is it's fail proof, right? So a lot of these style homes that you do with wood cabinetry or with this fun tile-- I like all styles, but that's a lot harder to curate and create. And if you're looking for fail proof, simple, timeless, it's all about the white kitchen.


MIKE STICKLER: I love both of those answers. That's awesome.


KAT STICKLER: So it has-- well, first off, we really love talking to you guys. I think we've got off topic so many times, but it was so great.




LEANNE FORD: Wait, we only have one trend to defend.


KAT STICKLER: That's it. You only have to defend to one.


MIKE STICKLER: That's it. It's only one. I mean--


LEANNE FORD: We were really on a roll.


MIKE STICKLER: You could probably think of some.


LEANNE FORD: We were ready. Can you give us whatever one you've given to our competition some other HGTVers?


MIKE STICKLER: I think open floor plan was one of them. What's your thoughts on an open floor plan?


LEANNE FORD: I like it. I think everybody that had an open floor plan now wishes they had walls again with COVID. They're like, get me out of here. But it just depends on the home. Some projects we've done, we've kept all the walls intact because it was all about the style of the home. And some projects, where the home doesn't have as much style, open floor plan helps that.


STEVE FORD: I think this also depends on your living situation and who's living in your house. So remember that. If there's a lot of people in your house, you might want privacy somewhere.


KAT STICKLER: I feel like Steve should have his own Deep Thoughts with Steve.


MIKE STICKLER: I feel like I would listen to that podcast, Steve. If you just sat there and just rattled off like thoughts, things you were thinking about.


STEVE FORD: You should have-- I was actually thinking about having my own podcast. It would be either fireside or on a chairlift.


LEANNE FORD: If only you could learn how to turn the mic on.






STEVE FORD: I'd never go for that.


MIKE STICKLER: I'll help you, Steve. Just give me a ring, bro. We'll do a speed round, ready? We got two more, ready? Over the top tile, go.


LEANNE FORD: I would say, no. I love it, but I'd say no as a trend.




KAT STICKLER: OK. Other holiday Christmas trees, like for Valentine's Day, Halloween, a birthday.


LEANNE FORD: That just made me--




LEANNE FORD: --shiver in my boots.


STEVE FORD: Because I'm like, where are we going to store all this stuff that we're buying for all these holidays?


LEANNE FORD: Also, I realized, this year, we've put a tree up probably the first time in five years or more. And I'm like, the reason that I have not decorated for Christmas recently is I've been decorating the house for the last five years. You know what I mean? So like, I just got the sofa in place and now I have to move it to put a tree in? And then after Christmas, you've got to move everything back.


STEVE FORD: Maybe you design around holidays.


LEANNE FORD: Just for the tree and. Well, then that's true. If you have a Valentine's tree and a birthday tree, you can just have your tree spot.


KAT STICKLER: Well, yeah, I agree. I think it would be too much. I didn't even decorate for Christmas.


MIKE STICKLER: We literally didn't do a single thing this year, which was kind of sad. But at the same time, we didn't have to pick anything up. So. [CHUCKLES]


KAT STICKLER: And we took the baby to see Christmas tree so she wasn't-- Christmas spirit was still alive. I promise.


MIKE STICKLER: It was alive and well.




LEANNE FORD: Yeah, after Christmas, you're like, OK, we're good, back to normal.


KAT STICKLER: Time for the new year.




KAT STICKLER: So where can the people listening find you guys on social media, and where can we all watch Home Again With The Fords?




LEANNE FORD: So you can watch Home Again With The Fords on HGTV. The Premier is on February 2 at 9:00 PM on Tuesday. So that's the first one that you guys had the luxury of seeing. And then it's every Tuesday after that. And then, we have-- our Instagram is restoredbythefords, and then Steve's is stevefordsgarage.


So those are all the ways to find us and kind of follow along. It's fun. So after every episode, we'll put content from behind the scenes. And we'll show pictures of the reveal. And I always like to show the actual interior images on my Instagram, which is fun.


MIKE STICKLER: That's awesome. You just gained a couple of followers by the way. So.


KAT STICKLER: We wanted to thank you guys for joining us on HGTV Obsessed and wish you good luck on your new show. I really loved it, very nostalgic.


LEANNE FORD: Thank you guys.


STEVE FORD: Thank you guys.




MIKE STICKLER: Well, that was an awesome interview. What did you think?


KAT STICKLER: I love them.




KAT STICKLER: I knew I liked you Leanne, but I didn't know Steve was going to be so cool.




KAT STICKLER: We asked him what creative projects he's working on and he pulls out a gas tank with dice on it. Like what?


MIKE STICKLER: Unbelievable.


KAT STICKLER: What's behind box number two?


MIKE STICKLER: I literally-- you said it though. But I think you would-- I was thinking during the interview, you would be friends with Leanne. You and her would get along really well.


KAT STICKLER: She's a good speaker. She's one of those people that when she speaks, she stares at you. And I was just staring at her in the Zoom call. Like, wow, she's talking only to me right now. I felt really great.


MIKE STICKLER: And I feel like Steve and I, we could hang out in his garage. I would be like the guy that just sits in the corner not really doing anything, but we're just having a good time, you know. Like, I'm just sipping a beer. He's sipping a beer.


KAT STICKLER: That might be an HGTV show.


MIKE STICKLER: Yeah. Oh, that could be great.


KAT STICKLER: Are we their new best friend?


MIKE STICKLER: He fixes something and I just, you know.


KAT STICKLER: You just watch.


MIKE STICKLER: Yes. So how are you doing? I interview Steve.


KAT STICKLER: Way to go, man. I like what you're doing.


MIKE STICKLER: Anyways. So yeah.


KAT STICKLER: I don't even honestly think I could ever work with my little brother. I love him so much. And he's one of the greatest people on Earth. But if it's my job, and he messes something up, I'll be like, no I was-- I grew up with this. I'm not going to have it in my adult years.






MIKE STICKLER: Yeah. I'm not going to say anything. My siblings listen to this so.


KAT STICKLER: Oh, mine do too.


MIKE STICKLER: Oh, God. What did you do?




KAT STICKLER: We love you Chris. OK. So.


MIKE STICKLER: It is time for.


KAT STICKLER: (SINGING) Do you know what time it is?








MIKE STICKLER: So this is one of our favorite segments where we take questions submitted by HGTV fans and legit HGTV stars and experts answer them.




MIKE STICKLER: This week might be one of the number one questions we get, and we have the perfect people to answer it.


KAT STICKLER: Yep. We have Group SVP of HGTV programming, Loren Ruch and President of Balthazar Entertainment, Brian Balthazar. I don't know why I slowed down when I said Balthazar.


MIKE STICKLER: It's a nice name.


KAT STICKLER: It's a beautiful name. Balthazar from HGTV House Party. So they are here to answer a question from Keith about how to get on HGTV.


MIKE STICKLER: Keith asked, Loren and Brian, how do you get on HGTV? I'm just saying. I will hand my house keys to anyone on your network. What's the secret?


BRIAN BALTHAZAR: Well, we actually have something called Be on HGTV page at, where we list all of our shows that are currently looking for homeowners. So if you're looking to have your house featured in a show, you look to see, you guys are in Tampa. We have 100 Day Dream Home shoots in Tampa. So if you guys are ready to buy a dream home, we could put you on the show.


It would depend on what city you're in, what show it is, and if you kind of fit the criteria of that particular show. Each show has its own unique criteria because we don't want our shows to all be exactly the same. So there are different budgets, different rooms in the house, different regions, all of that. But you could check it out on


If you want to host a show on the network, that's a whole different story. And I always say that, if you want to do that, it's great to watch our shows carefully and watch the credits, and see what are the names of the production companies that produce the shows that you guys like the best. At that point, reach out to them and tell them, I have this specialty, I'm a designer, I'm a realtor, whatever it is, and let them bring you into the company because they already have an established relationship with us.


LOREN RUCH: I would say also, that's a great way to get on as a homeowner as well. Because if you look at these shows that you're watching on HGTV and one is shot in your area or your region-- because that's really the first step is like, most of the shows that we have aren't traveling across the country doing makeovers. They're usually doing it in a specific region.


So if there's one that's in your region, say Tampa, for example, and you watch that show at the end credits, you'll see the production company that's doing it in addition to HGTV. They're probably sending out casting notices on their website, or they can refer you to their booking or casting department and they'll be able to tell you.


So there's another little secret. And also, if you do want to be on HGTV or be in the design space, definitely post your work on social media. And make sure not to just put pictures of the rooms that you do, but also make sure that we see video of you. Because a lot of designers, a lot of contractors, they post just their work and they want the show. But it's really hard to know how they come across on screen if they don't shoot themselves on video as well.


So I think the best thing to do is shoot the kind of video that you'd like to see yourself doing on television. And you can do that with your phone. And you can edit it on your phone and put it on your social media accounts. Start with TikTok, start with Instagram and Facebook and go-- and get people to fall in love with you there, and people will take notice.


MIKE STICKLER: That's awesome.


BRIAN BALTHAZAR: That's how I got my first internship when I was 19. I was obsessed with game shows. And I would be watching them. And I literally called up as a complete cold call. And they ended up hiring me as an intern. It's like sometimes, you've got to just like go for it. I think if you want it, put it out there and it'll happen.


LOREN RUCH: You have to love it first. You have to love whatever you're doing first and then everything comes.




KAT STICKLER: Seriously, every single one of our friends and family have asked us this question. They're like, oh, you're doing a podcast?




KAT STICKLER: They're like, yeah, it's a podcast. Oh, so you don't have your own show? No. But I mean, it's still a podcast.








KAT STICKLER: Let me know when you have your show.


MIKE STICKLER: Those clout chasers. Well, now, we can honestly just direct them to this episode. And if you have a question to submit to HGTV to the rescue, look for the HGTV Obsessed post on HGTV's Instagram account on Thursdays.


KAT STICKLER: Wow, what a day.


MIKE STICKLER: Yeah. Seriously, I honestly think that we can do this every Monday morning, right?


KAT STICKLER: Brad, cut back. No, we're not doing this every Monday morning. There's no way.


MIKE STICKLER: Oh, my gosh. Anyways, thank you to Steve and Leanne Ford for joining us today on the pod.


KAT STICKLER: Don't miss out on their new show, At Home With The Fords. You guys, it's so good. It's this heartwarming show that we all need right now.




KAT STICKLER: And it's like if your TV could hug you--


MIKE STICKLER: Like give you a big smooch on the cheek.




MIKE STICKLER: Like grandma's kiss.


KAT STICKLER: Grandma's kiss but it's your favorite grandma.




KAT STICKLER: She even can slobber up on you.


MIKE STICKLER: Not the one you're like ugh, ugh.






KAT STICKLER: This is a clean, clean, and quick.


MIKE STICKLER: Also, we just wanted to say a huge thank you to Loren Ruch and Brian Balthazar for being on HGTV to the Rescue. Their hilarious show HGTV House Party is available to be binged on Discovery Plus. If you want to ask HGTV stars your own question, hit us up on the HGTV Instagram account. Just look for our post on Thursdays.


KAT STICKLER: And as usual, if you like what you're listening to right now, this very second--


MIKE STICKLER: Don't waste any time.


KAT STICKLER: Come on, let's smile. Give me a little smile. Come on. Curb it up, there we go. That's what I like to see. OK. Hop over to Apple Podcasts or anywhere else you watch your podcasts. We got Spotify. What else we got?




KAT STICKLER: Stitcher. So pop over there to rate interview HGTV Obsessed. Don't forget to subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts so you never miss an episode. And head over to for the show notes on today's episode.


MIKE STICKLER: The show notes are cool. You want the show notes.


KAT STICKLER: Yeah. We were just learning about the show notes, and they're amazing. They got pictures in there and notes about the show.


MIKE STICKLER: The perfect side by-- side by side, side by.


KAT STICKLER: Perfect. So lastly, if you want even more of us-- I mean, I get it. Who wouldn't?


MIKE STICKLER: Who wouldn't?


KAT STICKLER: We both said, who wouldn't.


MIKE STICKLER: Follow us on TikTok.


KAT STICKLER: Very self-absorbed.


MIKE STICKLER: Oh, my gosh.


KAT STICKLER: Follow us on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube at Mike and Kat. And my Instagram was actually just for me because--


MIKE STICKLER: You're just such a star.


KAT STICKLER: I'm such a star.




KAT STICKLER: No. If you search Mike and Kat, you'll find us.


MIKE STICKLER: Yes. We love you guys so much.


KAT STICKLER: See you next Thursday




I want more of me every day. Follow us on-- don't make those noises. What you're doing? You can't make those noises. What the heck?


MIKE STICKLER: I'm just saving Brad time because that's what I think of when you say that.